1 The Manse
The Mall
Isle of Wight
PO36 0BT

Tel: 01983 404677


We understand that customers have individual needs and the importance of working within budgets. We are here to help and provide you with a service. Please phone now for a quotation or, alternatively, ask us to contact you.

Payment terms:
Invoiced month end
Payment by 10th of following month


"We have been using MSS (Medical Secretarial Support) since late 2006 for our secretarial needs. For maternity cover, holiday cover, and mostly for private medical reporting.

Mrs Lewis of MSS offers a service that you can rely on to produce the work needed, whatever the request; to meet deadlines and quick turnarounds, especially in the delivery of medical reports produced after the medical examinations have taken place.

The idea of being able to receive the reports for checking by email and correction cuts down on time, printing, paper and postage etc, this is an asset to the working practice today.

The work is produced to a high professional standard and all work is carried through to the end. We are delighted to be able to procure a service of such quality and reliability from MSS Services."

- Dr B Majumdar

"Mrs Lewis has provided a medical support service for PSA (Paediatric Services Associates) for over a year. Tapes dictated by Dr Michele Hamilton-Ayres, Consultant Paediatrician and other associates, are currently sent to Mrs Lewis by special delivery post. The letters are typed and emailed back within 2-3 days to Dr Hamilton-Ayres ready for checking and dispatching. There is very rarely any need for correction and the formatting is perfect. Mrs Lewis' vast experience as a medical secretary in the NHS insures that letters are correctly addressed and letters are virtually word perfect. Blank tapes are sent back by post. It is hoped in the future that a fully electronic system will be in place.

In addition Mrs Lewis is able to contact private patients and arrange appointments in our absence - while remaining in touch electronically wherever we are in the world, ensuring practice continuity even if we are locally unavailable.

The 'outsourcing' service offered by Mrs Lewis is absolutely invaluable to our private practice and quite unique, extremely reliable and to be highly recommended."

- Dr Michéle Hamilton-Ayres MD. FRCPCH. MRCP DCH.
  Consultant Paediatrician


1 The Manse, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, PO36 0BT